Data Journalism
تعلم ذاتي
مدة الدورة
73 minutes
لغة الدورة
سعر الشهادة
100 QAR - 28 USD$
حضور الدورة دون دفع رسوم الشهادة لا يمكّنك من الحصول على الشهادة، بل يسمح لك فقط بمشاهدة جميع الفيديوهات والقراءات واجتياز الاختبارات.
عن هذه الدورة
Every day, 65 billion WhatsApp messages are sent, around 40 million trees are cut down and 360,000 babies are born around the world.
On their own, these are just numbers, single snapshots of the world around us right now. But if you look a little deeper, each number contains many stories, and many interpretations, stories that impact you, your family, your community and the world.
My name is Mohammed Haddad and I’m Al Jazeera’s Data Journalism Editor. In this course, a practical guide to Data Journalism, I’ll be introducing you to a flourishing field of journalism that transforms data into stories.
أهداف الدورة
Students of this course will develop an in-depth understanding of the following aspects of data journalism:
- Telling untold stories using data
- How to think like a data journalist
- Storyboarding data stories
- Different forms of data journalism
- Data literacy in the newsroom
- Ensuring data is not misrepresented in your story
- Getting data
- Cleaning and analysing data
- Delivering your story - the different ways to do it
- Tools you can use for data stories
على ماذا سوف أحصل من هذه الدورة؟
- Full lifetime access.
- Paid Certificate.
متطلبات الدورة
- Knowledge of the English language.
- A Computer or Mobile with Internet Connection.