TV Programme Editing

تعلم ذاتي
مدة الدورة
84 minutes
لغة الدورة
سعر الشهادة
100 QAR - 28 USD$
حضور الدورة دون دفع رسوم الشهادة لا يمكّنك من الحصول على الشهادة، بل يسمح لك فقط بمشاهدة جميع الفيديوهات والقراءات واجتياز الاختبارات.
عن هذه الدورة

When you’re watching the news on TV, have you ever wondered what’s going on behind the scenes?

Like, who decides the top story? How is that decision made? And when things appear to be going wrong on air, how do they keep the show moving? 

These are all things I hope to answer in my course on TV programme editing.

My name is Jennifer Bragg and I’m a programme editor at Al Jazeera English. 

Over the years I have developed my own system for building a show, preparing for the best AND worst case scenarios, and mastering the art of communicating, with multiple people, at the same time. 

Everyone in this role finds their own working style, so you can use these lessons to inspire you.

أهداف الدورة

The main goals of the course are to develop the following:

  • Cognitive skills:
    The trainee will gain an understanding of how to think critically about the various stories that can come up during a news cycle, prioritise work when there are multiple tasks at hand, communicate effectively with every member of a news operation, and make decisions – sometimes under extreme pressure or deadline.  
  • Practical skills:
    How to create and order a rundown, write compelling headlines, how to organise thoughts and prioritise stories during a busy news day, copy editing, deciding which stories can be guested or created as segments.
  • Behavioural skills:
    Professionalism under pressure, developing excellent communication with various team members in editorial and technical functions, and creative problem solving when dilemmas come up.
على ماذا سوف أحصل من هذه الدورة؟
  • Full lifetime access.
  • Paid Certificate.
متطلبات الدورة
  • Knowledge of the English language.
  • A Computer or Mobile with Internet Connection.