Covering Elections

تعلم ذاتي
مدة الدورة
111 minutes
لغة الدورة
سعر الشهادة
100 QAR - 28 USD$
حضور الدورة دون دفع رسوم الشهادة لا يمكّنك من الحصول على الشهادة، بل يسمح لك فقط بمشاهدة جميع الفيديوهات والقراءات واجتياز الاختبارات.
عن هذه الدورة

As a journalist, you will cover stories that are complex and emotional.

There is another subject that is equally challenging.

This is a topic which is vital to safeguarding democracy and informing nations.

And it requires the best from journalists in balance, accuracy and objectivity.

Whether you are a journalist in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, or South America, this course will guide you through the techniques, skills and ethics you will need to cover elections in your own country and abroad.

I am Tira Shubert, and this is my course "Covering Elections" on the Al Jazeera E-learning platform.


أهداف الدورة
  • Our training will support journalists with improved election craft skills for news gathering in the period of campaigning and voting. We will learn to better cover both local & national issues in core journalism skills and election-specific journalism skills editorially and for storytelling.
  • Television teams will face the challenges of producing quality video while covering demonstrations, interviews, live studio situations and press conferences. Teamwork between reporters, producers and camera operators is essential.
  • We will discuss how to improve social media skills to enable journalists to use their coverage on different platforms and websites.
على ماذا سوف أحصل من هذه الدورة؟
  • Full lifetime access.
  • Paid Certificate.
متطلبات الدورة
  • Knowledge of the English language.
  • A Computer or Mobile with Internet Connection