Open-Source Investigation

تعلم ذاتي
مدة الدورة
114 minutes
لغة الدورة
سعر الشهادة
100 QAR - 28 USD$
حضور الدورة دون دفع رسوم الشهادة لا يمكّنك من الحصول على الشهادة، بل يسمح لك فقط بمشاهدة جميع الفيديوهات والقراءات واجتياز الاختبارات.
عن هذه الدورة

Journalists cannot always guarantee 'truth', but getting the facts right is the cardinal principle of journalism. This course on open-source investigations is a starting point for those who believe in the power of information as evidence.

It will also help you to collect and verify data, and analyse it and cross-check it with information gathered in the field. This hands-on guide will help you to use technology to gather, sort and analyse data from publicly available sources, including social media, video and image-sharing websites, mapping tools and satellite imagery.

Hello, I’m Sara Creta. I’m an investigative reporter and a documentary filmmaker. I have spent the past decade documenting human rights violations and I have extensively used open-source intelligence in my investigations.

أهداف الدورة

Cognitive skills

   The trainee will learn:

  • The skills to collect disparate data from open sources
  • How to make connections that are not immediately apparent from open-source intelligence
  • How to uncover new perspectives and angles within open-source intelligence
  • How to explore different perspectives and angles from open-source intelligence

Practical skills

   The trainee will learn:

  • How to plan a successful investigation using data and information that is available on the internet
  • How to use different web-searching techniques, strategies and tools
  • How to ensure they are complying with legislation and legal procedures
  • How to collect, analyse and disseminate information in a timely manner to an appropriate audience

Behavioural skills

   The trainee will learn:

  • How to conduct internet investigations ethically, lawfully and safely
  • How to verify information you find and ensure your work is completely accurate
  • Different strategies for mining open-source intelligence
  • How to come up with ideas for stories and investigations
على ماذا سوف أحصل من هذه الدورة؟
  • Full lifetime access.
  • Paid Certificate.
متطلبات الدورة
  • Knowledge of the English language.
  • A Computer or Mobile with Internet Connection.