Covering Chaos

تعلم ذاتي
مدة الدورة
90 minutes
لغة الدورة
سعر الشهادة
100 QAR - 28 USD$
حضور الدورة دون دفع رسوم الشهادة لا يمكّنك من الحصول على الشهادة، بل يسمح لك فقط بمشاهدة جميع الفيديوهات والقراءات واجتياز الاختبارات.
عن هذه الدورة

Early 2016 western Europe was on high alert after the killing of 130 people in coordinated attacks in Paris several months earlier.

My team was in Brussels, covering the hunt for the killers.  

It was early morning when the News-desk called us to say there were reports of a bombing at Brussels airport.

We arrived at the same time as the emergency crews.

Smoke was still rising over the terminal building.

Inside was a scene of utter devastation.  

Two huge bombs had ripped through the building.  

An hour later, in a different part of Brussels, another explosion - on a commuter train.

There’s a lot to consider when the adrenaline is pumping.

I did 23 live broadcasts and two news reports. It was one of the longest single days of my career.

I’m Neave Barker, a news correspondent with 15 years’ experience in the field - covering a wide range of stories in many countries.

In this course, we will learn how to build a picture of a major incident as it’s unfolding.

Join us as we delve deep into the world of TV news, and confront chaos - head on!

أهداف الدورة

Cognitive Skills

    Trainees will learn:

  • How to build the picture of what is going on around them
  • Where journalists get their news from
  • How to make sense of the madness

Practical Skills

    Trainees will learn:

  • The basics of field reporting  to build the picture of what is going on around them
  • How to work efficiently and safely with a team
  • The practicalities of going live while reporting in a chaotic environment
  • How to get started, say what you mean and what to do when things go wrong
  • How to gather content to produce pre-records

Behavioural Skills

    Trainees will learn:

  • The basics of how to go about news gathering
  • How to package stories
  • How to edit stories
  • The ethics of reporting on chaotic situations
على ماذا سوف أحصل من هذه الدورة؟
  • Full lifetime access.
  • Paid Certificate.
متطلبات الدورة
  • Knowledge of the English language.
  • A Computer or Mobile with Internet Connection.